General terms & conditions

1 These general terms and conditions shall apply to any and all offers extended by PODOBLOCK BV, to be referred to hereinafter as PODOBLOCK BV, as well as to any and all agreements entered into by PODOBLOCK BV. Any reference by buyers to their own terms and conditions for procurement, tendering or other conditions shall not be accepted by PODOBLOCK BV.

2. All offers, stock lists and price lists cited by PODOBLOCK BV shall be non- binding in all cases. PODOBLOCK BV shall at all times be entitled to refuse an order or to impose additional conditions on a delivery. Agreements shall not enter into force until they have been confirmed by PODOBLOCK BV in writing. If the accuracy of a written confirmation has not been contested within 3 working days, the relevant agreement shall come into being as per the confirmation. In these cases, the buyer shall not be entitled to invoke the inaccuracy of his order.

3. Where these terms and conditions refer to a written confirmation, this shall be understood to include a confirmation by email, sent to the email address given by the buyer, in case of an order placed through electronic means, such as orders through the web site or by email.