

Protectionbox with 5 mm adaptors to place in our Podoblock and Combibox that guarantees the same direction and angle with hoof examinations at all times.

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The DR-Podo-Protectionbox is a handheld, lightweight protection box that totally secures and protects your expensive flatpanel from outside influences.

Because this model also combines the ‘hands-free’ system we offer, in combination with our Podoblock and DR-Combibox, it creates a safe and quick working situation.

If you also want to use the Podo-Protectionbox as a Distance holder to create maximum safety and working pleasure, we advise you to choose the DR-Cowboybox.

Additional information

Flatpanel brand

Agfa, Canon, Carestream, DRTech, Fuji FDR, Heska / IRay, iRay, ISO standard, Konica Minolta, O&R XenOR, PerkinElmer, Rayence / Vatech, Samsung, Sound, Thales Pixium, Toshiba, Vieworks




X-ray, Orthopaedics

Product type

Flat Panel Protection covers

X-ray System

DR (Digital)

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Quality, Durability, Portability & Safety

We are Podoblock

With over 15+ years of innovating, designing, and building portable product solutions for x-ray and ultrasound systems, we have positioned ourselves as the global leader of accessories and tools for the mobile imaging market.

Our products are durable and last forever, high-standard, highly portable, and practical to enhance imaging efficiency and support mobility for all veterinary and human medical professionals on the go. And each piece of equipment is designed, built and tested by us to maintain our standard and ensure that every screw or knob fits perfectly for our end-users handling safety.

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