A busy September 2021

What’s happened this month?

In this newsletter, you will get a brief insight into the first events we attended this month (and this year), what DR product we moved over to the outlet shop why, and learn about the upcoming events we are sponsoring in October. 

1. Events Updates

Great news! We recently participated in the first in-person events this year since the pandemic hit over a year and a half ago. 

  BEVA Congress 2021 

BEVA CONGRESS 2021 Birmingham, UK

After a year and a half of events restrictions and cancellations, our colleagues Alex Berends & René van Wijk were happy to meet and greet our friends, associates/sales partners, and of course, see new faces at the BEVA Congress this month.
BEVA brought back the pleasure of social mingling – that human to human interaction, something we have missed very much. The 3-day (5-7 Sept 2021) event was a great success! Although smaller than usual due to the current time, we are still happy to have attended with a booth! Well, except for the 6x covid tests in 4 days for our colleagues! And not to mention costing more than the airline tickets! Crazy times indeed. 

ISELP: Fetlock, Carpus & Metacarpus 2021 

ISELP 2021 Heesch, Netherlands

We also attended this year’s ISELP conference hosted in the Netherlands.
Unfortunately, it was smaller than usual – again, due to the pandemic. However, according to our CEO Alex Berends, who represented us, “The event was exciting, and it was nice to have seen our Podoblock products used in a demonstration session on stage, to meet friends and associates again.” In the past, there was a separate exhibition hall for exhibitors. However, this year, exhibitors shared the same entrance and observed the live on-stage demonstration. Thus, it was a knowledge session also for the exhibitor. And we will be testing Alex’s takeaway knowledge.  

The general conclusion is that people are still happy to get out and socialize again. Although not in the same magnitude, we still believe that events are not yet dead. If we haven’t met with you at these events, we hope to see you at other upcoming exhibitions!  

2. DR-Sleeve in Outlet

At Podoblock, we are constantly evolving, and that means we work on upgrading some products to achieve maximum quality and usability, and others we stop stocking. For instance, we have successfully sold the DR-Sleeve for 10+ years, and now we think it’s time to stop supplying and add the remaining stock to the outlet shop. And taking its place is the new DR-Pouch – a fully upgrade protection pouch for DR flat panels!  With up to a 64% reduction on the original prices on the wireless option and 75% off the wired, you get a brand new sleeve for your DR flat panel detector!  So take advantage and protect your flat x-ray panel! 

DR-Sleeve Podoblock

The softcover Sleeve is made of PVC material and comes with Velcro closing, and the front side is fully radiolucent with a marked detection area. See the available stock information and prices change in the table below.

 Visit Outlet 

3. Upcoming Events

 We also want to share with you the upcoming events we sponsor each year with our Podoblock products. 

Al Equine: Locomotor Courses Modules 3 & 4 

Each year, Podoblock sponsors Al Equine courses in Evora, Portugal, providing our innovative product for use in a demonstrable setting during the workshops. This year will be supporting the following modules scheduled to run on 28-31 October: Module 3: Elbow, carpal, metacarpal and fetlock regions – Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches Module 4:  Cervical, Shoulder and Back Regions Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

BARKHOF Workshop: The Horse’s Knee Joint 

The Barkhof Horse Clinic will be hosting a workshop on Horse Knee Joint on 30th October 2021, in SOTTRUM, Germany. The workshop will cover the following topics: Anatomy and Physiology of the Knee JointClinical and radiological examinationSonographic examination2 workshop blocks with group work (total 3.5 hours)           – Dissection of a knee joint X-ray discussion and practical exercises in sonography. As a proud sponsor of the Barkhof academy, we will be supplying our ultrasound products to be used during the sessions.  

 Visit our events page to learn more about these upcoming events.  

See Events 

© Podoblock 2021 News