In this newsletter, we announced the celebration of our 12,5 years, how far we’ve come and how we celebrated during the covid19 pandemic. We also launched a free-shipping campaign promotion.


Like many successful businesses, Podoblock started in a garage on January 1, 2008, twelve and a half years ago, by Alex Berends and Nico Gorter.

Working with horses for more than 25 years, they became aware of the challenges and setbacks faced by Equine Vets. That’s when they conceived designing and developing efficient, innovative, and practical products to simplify the daily practices of vets around the world. And they have, they created the first signature Podoblock – which was a complete hit! 

Now 12,5 years later, we think it’s time to celebrate with a growing Podoblock family, a new location, and a branch (PodoblockUSA) with broader product categories!

Why 12,5? We skipped our 10th anniversary out of respect with the passing away of Nico around that time. Hence, a 12,5-year celebration! 
And we are certainly happy to celebrate this with you! 


Without you – our customers, our partners, we wouldn’t have made it this far, for this we want to say thank you!
To show our appreciation, we’d like to give back by offering the following

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We would have liked to host a big reception party and invite our customers and partners, but because of COVID-19, this is not possible. However, perhaps we found something much better and more meaningful. We give back. 

Alex Berends (right) handing over a cheque to FGP Coordinator Bineke de Vries to contribute to the organisation.

Earlier this week, CEO Alex Berends met with the representatives of the FPG (Federatie Paardrijden Gehandicapten / Federation of horseback riding for the handicap) to make a financial contribution to the organisation. 

About FPG

The FPG is an organisation that facilitates and promote opportunities for horseback riding and other activities with horses for people with disabilities. 
Follow the link to learn more about the organisation. 

We thank you for your continued support and loyalty. Hurra!